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Mo Lam, Master in Lam
Mo Lam, Master in Lam

The best mo lam singers of Laos in my view are Khiengchai Sabayphone and Intaeng Keoboula. In my family, we would have mo lam (master in lam) to sing all night long for a week while we prepare for the wedding ceremony. The khene bamboo flute and their voices are addictive. To read more about Mo Lam, check the Encyclopedia of music: http://bit.ly/22doAfM

The music of Intaeng : https://youtu.be/ntHeomDN_Yk


The music of Khiengchai: https://youtu.be/M3UwJY0W_1A?list=RDM3UwJY0W_1A

Tag(s) : #music

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