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Photos Frederic C. Benson (Collection at the University of Wisconsin) I am grateful of foreigners like Fritz Benson who have documented the life of Lao people when they were working in Laos. I wonder how much we would remember the past if they have not...

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Tag(s) : #Ceremony, #Silk

This is the most beautiful video of a contemporary Lao Wedding I have seen in years: the wedding of Maryka and Gregoire (by Estelle Beauvais, "Le Coeur de l'Homme"). The title of the video is "Aurore" in French which means in English "Dawn". Congrats...

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Tag(s) : #Ceremony, #Videos

They have inspired the story of my book “A Lao Wedding” and have inspired many things in my life too. It is a sad and happy story interwoven with our country’s history. I don’t know if this is sad because our world has disappeared or because they have...

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Tag(s) : #love story, #Ceremony