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Wedding photographer Josh Jones, New York City
Wedding photographer Josh Jones, New York City
Wedding photographer Josh Jones, New York City
Wedding photographer Josh Jones, New York City
Wedding photographer Josh Jones, New York City
Wedding photographer Josh Jones, New York City
Wedding photographer Josh Jones, New York City
Wedding photographer Josh Jones, New York City
Wedding photographer Josh Jones, New York City
Wedding photographer Josh Jones, New York City
Wedding photographer Josh Jones, New York City

A fine photographer is someone who captures the moment, the happiness, the doubts, the overwhelming joy of the wedding ceremony. when you live overseas like the USA, Australia or France, it must be a challenge to find someone who understands our customs and can make our day a memorable one. Josh Jones is one of these rare pearls who can do it while he may not be familiar with our customs. He covered the wedding of Vanida and Rick and I like how he captured the expressions of the aunties waiting for the groom to arrive. There are many other photos I like, I find Josh shares with intimacy their tenderness. No wonder why he has won many awards for his wedding photographs!

Discover his work here: http://www.joshjonesphoto.com/traditional-laos-wedding/

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