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Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes
Fashionable wedding costumes

In the region, it is difficult to match the creativity of Lao weavers, in particular when it comes to wedding costumes. The quality of the silk, from China, the golden threads and the marriage of colors make them very unique. No wonder why there are so many collectors and future brides willing to pay thousands of dollars for a set. Look at this animated video of photos coming right from a fashion magazine!

Photos and video by Rose Wedding Production: https://www.facebook.com/Rose.lao.87/


Fashion wedding costumes - click here

Tag(s) : #costumes, #Silk

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