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When you start working on a wedding book rituals, the first thing you look for are good images that can convey or illustrate your text. My book A Lao Wedding sets the scene in the 70s. Without the photographs of that period, no much would have been left...

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Tag(s) : #Photography

Interview of a mo phone (an officiant) explaining beautifully what is the meaning of Baci commissioned by the University of Khon Kaen (part of Lao/Thai Isaan back in the late 19th century). it is in Thai/Lao. For an explanation of the baci, the most comprehensive...

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Tag(s) : #rites

The best mo lam singers of Laos in my view are Khiengchai Sabayphone and Intaeng Keoboula. In my family, we would have mo lam (master in lam) to sing all night long for a week while we prepare for the wedding ceremony. The khene bamboo flute and their...

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Tag(s) : #music

A pity I have not found any video that shows how we properly prepare the laab beef (lab sinh) which is core to the food prepared for a Lao wedding. This video is a good introduction to Lao cuisine for our farang friends who may not be familiar wit our...

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Tag(s) : #cuisine

A treasure trove of old images of Laos (416 photos) but also Cambodia, Vietnam and other exotic countries when France was still an empire. One can never have enough of these memories, the quiet land in South East Asia. The Archives d'Outre Mer is the...

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Tag(s) : #research