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If you are in love with old stuff from Laos, you have to follow on facebook the page " Laos Thai Galerie Collectibles". I have no clue if the owner has virtual gallery or a physical one - there are so many in River City Mall though. On the FB page, we...

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Tag(s) : #Photography

A fine photographer is someone who captures the moment, the happiness, the doubts, the overwhelming joy of the wedding ceremony. when you live overseas like the USA, Australia or France, it must be a challenge to find someone who understands our customs...

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Tag(s) : #Photography

When you start working on a wedding book rituals, the first thing you look for are good images that can convey or illustrate your text. My book A Lao Wedding sets the scene in the 70s. Without the photographs of that period, no much would have been left...

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Tag(s) : #Photography